Energy-Efficient Air Conditioning Systems 

When purchasing an air conditioning system, the two most important things to factor into your decision are price and energy efficiency. While it is pretty easy to determine which air conditioning system is cheaper, judging an air conditioning system’s efficiency is a little bit more complex.

The energy rating system

In Australia, we have adopted the energy efficiency star rating system. The more stars there are, the more efficient it is supposed to be. However, energy efficiency also depends on the type and layout of your home.  While a system may have a high energy rating, it may not be the right size or type for your space.

Here are the key elements to consider:

  • Red and Blue Stars: To make it easier to determine what type of system you are looking at, the Energy Rating Australia has opted for two colours: red for heating systems and blue for cooling systems, which are not to be confused with water efficiency ratings – these are blue and black. On all heating and cooling systems that have a reverse cycle (hot & cold) both sets of stars will feature to guide you in your decision.
  • kW Output:  kW is also very important to note as it reflects the efficiency of your cooling system and what size room it will suit. Air conditioning systems that are too small will have to work harder to cool the entire space, negating their energy efficiency rating. Systems that are too big will be less efficient due to the energy they use being turned on and off for short periods, and may not offer the best value.

New Zoned Energy Rating Labels

If you are considering purchasing a new air conditioning system, the new energy rating label will look different to previous ratings. The new label includes the energy efficiency for each zone, average noise levels and energy efficiency per temperature. With so many different climates in Australia, this new labelling system is designed to assist homeowners in making energy efficient, family-friendly choices while saving money on their energy bills.

Climate Zones

The climate between Melbourne and Brisbane is very different, so it’s important that you are able to make decisions based on the climate you live in. The new labels specify climate zones by Hot, Average and Cold.

  • Hot is classified as an area with high levels of humidity, higher temperatures throughout the year and rarely need to run a defrost cycle (i.e. Brisbane)
  • Average is classified as low humidity but high temperatures during the summer months and will need to run several defrost cycles (i.e. Sydney).
  • Cold is classified as an area that is typically colder than the average temperature nationally and will run a defrost cycle almost every time the system is switched on, unless it is high summer (ie Hobart)

Average Noise Levels

The new labels also include the average noise level of the systems to help people choose the best system for their home. The average sound of an air conditioning system is between 37 decibels and 82 decibels. Advertised quiet systems generally do not make more noise than 40 decibels.

Energy Efficiency Temperature

To further assist you with energy efficient purchases, the new labels also have kW output per reference temperature alongside the standard kW output number. The two reference temperatures are often 7℃ and 35 ℃ which assist consumers in cold and hot regions in determining the efficiency of their air conditioning system.

Considering a new A/C system?

At North West Geelong, we can assist you in making the right purchasing decision and install and service your chosen system. Our team of technicians have years of experience and understand the way air flows in the Geelong climate. Get in touch with us by filling out this enquiry form or by giving us a call (03) 5277 1111.